A huge victory

The Federal Judge
The CDC did fail to release the safety of the vaccines

We lack informed consent regarding the covid19 vaccines. Our rights had been override by the government with the idea that the unvaccinated posed a risk of spreading the virus. But instead the vaccines are more dangerous than the virus.

So, the DCGA political party and Oversight committee need to answer to their policies and actions against employees. Or employees should sue the government for their useless, dumbass policies.

Those dumbass politicians and their crony need to be lock up inside a toilet septic tank. Make them realise how funny and silly their intelligence in governance. That all their actions during the quote, pandemic were total non sense and bullshit.

Federal judge now ordered the CDC to release all V-safe Free-text entries to the public for Pfizer etc. A very reason why some genuine noble men and women refused to take the jabs.

Global warming and covid vaccines.

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